Monday, April 2, 2012


This weekend it was Hyun Ju's(our home stay student from Korea)birthday on Friday and Sunday it was my mom's birthday. Needless to say we ate well all weekend and have plenty of left overs.
Friday Hyun Ju invited people from her school and church. We ate burgers, hot dogs, chicken burgers, pasta salad, thai noodle salad and this Korean dish I forget the name of but Hyun Ju makes it a lot and it's soooo good! Then for desert we had pineapple cupcakes and marble chocolate cupcakes.
Here is a picture of the kids and then me in the background haha

Sunday I made sushi and my mom made teriyaki chicken wings and chow mein. For desert my auntie brought this fantastic vanilla coconut cake and our neighbor Susan got my mom a rich chocolate cake. Both nights were great but I feel like I ate enough for two people all weekend!

All of these dinner parties made me think of this song...

Easter is next weekend and my mom is letting me make the whole dinner! I'm really excited. What do you usually have for Easter?


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