I'm going to begin my first entry with how excited I get when I cook meat properly. I guess you could say it is the sunshine of my life. I had never really been a huge fan of pork but while working at a local restaurant I learnt how to cook pork tenderloin perfectly. It's really the most satisfying feeling ever. It's like I am giving birth to the perfect child.

I'm sure everyone has their own way of doing it but this is how I like to do it. Usually I like to put some kind of herb or spice rub on it and then I sear it in hot oil on all sides, put it on a pan and into the oven for about 8 min at 500F. I do it at a high heat because when you're working in a kitchen, the oven is on the same high heat for the whole service. It's how I was taught so why change a beautiful thing?! So needless today, I love pork in my oven.
Phew, I think that went well for a first entry? If you don't think so then feel free to not comment! For those of you who liked it, leave a comment! Give me suggestions! Tell me your stories!
Your number one non food expert,
Love it Marielle, I look forward to see what crazy food adventures you get up to! I fully agree that cooking meat or just about anything that's a little difficult or that takes talent is like giving birth to the perfect child (but maybe that's cause we don't have children, lol)